ECSA2016: Open Citizen Science – Day 2 (Morning)

After the opening day (see morning and afternoon posts) and the reception under the dinosaur at the museum, the second day started with an introduction and review of day 1 by Marisa Ponti (University of Gothenburg, Sweden): We want to reconnect to the first day. Particularly happy to hear the connection at the European Commission … Continue reading ECSA2016: Open Citizen Science – Day 2 (Morning)

NESCent meeting on anthropogenic sensory stimuli & evolution (noise, light, ecology, people & citizen science)

In citizen science, you always learn new things, and one of the aspects of this area that I like most is the cross-over between different areas of science. By learning about citizen science projects, you also learn about current research activities in Astronomy, Ecology, Conservation, Environmental Science and many other areas. Some occasions, however, provide an … Continue reading NESCent meeting on anthropogenic sensory stimuli & evolution (noise, light, ecology, people & citizen science)